It started with the idea that traveling with vomiting kids is miserable. TravelMed was designed by emergency room physician Andrew Frierson, D.O. and his tech savy wife, Jessica (CEO), with the goal of bridging you to a televisit with a knowledgable and friendly U.S. licensed physician for a personalized list of finely tuned, safe and medically appropriate prescription medications needed for your future travel plans.
It started with the idea that traveling with vomiting kids is miserable. TravelMed was designed by emergency room physician Andrew Frierson, D.O. and his tech savy wife, Jessica (CEO), with the goal of bridging you to a televisit with a knowledgable and friendly U.S. licensed physician for a personalized list of finely tuned, safe and medically appropriate prescription medications needed for your future travel plans.
It started with the idea that traveling with vomiting kids is miserable. TravelMed was designed by emergency room physician Andrew Frierson, D.O. and his tech savy wife, Jessica (CEO), with the goal of bridging you to a televisit with a knowledgable and friendly U.S. licensed physician for a personalized list of finely tuned, safe and medically appropriate prescription medications needed for your future travel plans.

What's included?Each Rx Kit includes: 1. Kit of finely tuned prescription medications (see Rx Kit link below to see what's inside each) highly recommended by ER physicians for remote travel destinations inside a lightweight, compact, waterproof pill box with free shipping. 2. Minimalist first aid supplies inside a water resistent, recycled nylon Patagonia travel pouch with zipper organizers. 3. ER physician tele-consult (required) / during (optional) your upcoming adventure trip. To see our full Rx Kit med list > click link below > pick a Rx Kit to see what's inside! https://www.travelmed.us/rx-kits
How much does it cost?TravelMed Rx Kit for 1 person starts at $280. Reduced price for couples, families, and groups. The only other additional cost to you is the co-pay of the medications from the pharmacy. This co-pay typically runs $0-$200 depending on your health insurance. Shipping costs are included.
Can I use my health insurance to pay?Yes, most health insurance policies will pay most of the cost of the prescribed medications. However, health insurance won't cover your televisit. Out of pock payment for the prescribed medications is available if needed.
How long does it take to get the Rx Kit shipped to my house?Typically 1 week. Physician appointments are usually available 1-2 days out. Then medications usually take 1-2 days for the pharmacy to prepare and 3-5 days to ship directly to your home. If you're in a rush, we might be able to get you an Rx Kit sooner. Just email us!
Can I get a refund?You bet! We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee up until medications are shipped / picked up from the pharmacy. If you are unsatisfied after the physician televisit then we'll cancel the services and refund you, no questions asked. After you receive prescription medications from the pharmacy we are unable to refund you. Our goal is to make sure you are 100% satisfied before you get medications.
Can I travel domestically and internationally with my Rx Kit?Yes! As long as you travel with your own Rx Kit, then the medications inside labeled pharmacy pill box will be compliant with local law enforcement, TSA, US Customs and Border Patrol, and all international customs. For more info on traveling with medications, see: https://help.cbp.gov/s/article/Article-1160?language=en_US
Do I need a televisit with a doctor?Yes, everyone is required to have a physician telemedicine visit prior to receiving a prescription TravelMed Rx Kit. The physician will need to evaluate your medical history and future travel plans to ensure all medications are appropriate. Televisit will typically take only 15 minutes or less per person.
What if get sick on my trip?Seek in-person medical attention immediately. Use the prescribed medications in your Rx Kit if you feel that it is appropriate. The TravelMed provider televisit available during your trip is meant to help answer non-urgent follow up questions about your Rx Kit. However, if you get sick and especially if you feel that you are having an emergency you must seek in-person medical attention as soon as possible. See Terms of Service for more details.
What if I have medical problems?No problem. That's the purpose of the telemedicine visit with an experienced TravelMed physician. Our physicians are highly trained and treat medically complex patients weekly.
Are these medications safe?Absolutely. This is why a televisit with a ER provider is required. We review and discuss all of your medical history and concerns with the medications on the Rx Kit list. Additionally, all of the medications on the list have been selected based off of frequency of use by our ER physicians and their safety. There are other medications, some antibiotics in particular, we could prescribe but have chosen not to include due to their side effect profiles. All medications that are prescribed to you by a TravelMed provider in your specific Rx Kit will be safe for you.
Can I get some more info on each of these medications in the list?Of course, all that hard research has already been done by the pharmacy companies. To learn more about each drug, simply go to www.goodrx.com and search each medication to learn more.
Does TravelMed offer any emergency services or other services?Besides the initial visit and the follow up tele consultation during your trip to answer questions on your prescriptions, we do not offer any other services. We don't offer travel vaccines, any emergency services or evacuation services or insurances or any guarantees of safety after using our services.
What pharmacy do you use?We use a local independent pharmacy located in the Seattle area. After the televisit they will give you a phone call to collect your health insurance info and credit card to collect the co-pay on the medications in your Rx Kit - typically $0-200. Then they will arrange free shipping of the medications to you via USPS (3-5 days). We could also send the prescriptions to your local pharmacy or other preferred mail in pharmacy - the only issue with this is that not all pharmacy have our exact preferred medications on our list - but it generally won't change the function of your Rx Kit. So not a big issue. But then if you'd like to use the waterproof pill box then you'll have to decide if you want to transfer the meds from the pharmacy vials into the waterproof pill box, or simply keep them in the vials.
What if I want to use my own pharmacy?No problem. We'll just send the prescriptions directly to your local pharmacy for pick up. One issue with this is that they might not have all of the medications on the list. Your pharmacy will update you when meds are ready for pick up. We can also send your meds to any mail-in / online pharmacy of your choice.
What if I want the Rx Kit for more people / family than myself?Of course! We offer TravelMed Rx Kit discounts for couples, families and groups. Go to the home page, scroll down, click “Pick a Kit” to view your options.
Why don’t I just share 1 Rx Kit between multiple people in my travel group?Several reasons: when traveling, especially going thru international customs, all prescription medications in your possession need to be prescribed under your name, you both might get sick and need meds, and lastly its unsafe because the physician will only prescribe meds to a specific personal after evaluating their medical history to ensure that drug and safe and the correct dosage. Each person can only take medications prescribed to them, each kit is personalized by the physician to fit your custom needs.
What if I want the Rx Kit for my kids?Great idea. All of our physicians are emergency medicine trained and comfortable in prescribing prophylactic medications to children age 5 and older. If you have younger kids send us an email to discuss your situation or contact your pediatrician.
Do you have any group, government, church or corporate rates?Absolutely. We'd love to meet your specific needs for your group or corporate travel medical plans. Just email us at info@travelmed.us.
Can I get scheduled anxiety or pain meds or stronger sleep meds prescribed?Sorry, we can not prescribe any DEA scheduled drugs including opioids or benzodiazepines or most prescribed sleeping medications.
Can I add more medications to the list?Yes. All of the TravelMed Rx Kits have a general list of medications however each kit will be personalized to the patient so some patients might not be prescribed all medications on the Rx Kit list but other meds could be added if medically appropriate. For example, we could add on gout flare treatment medications.
What if I have an allergy to one of the medications of the Rx Kit list?If you are allergic to a medication on the Rx Kit list then your TravelMed physician can write you a substitute medication.
What is the shelf life of the medications in the Rx Kit?Usually 1 year if kept at room temperature. See pharmacy instructions on prescription labels for exact shelf life of each medication prescribed.